A Study of the Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation and Several Relevant Legislative Issues in China; 通过对法院调解和人民调解的内涵及利弊的简要分析,提出对我国民事调解制度改革的一些思考。
The Public Policy in the Choice of Law in International Commercial Arbitration 国际商事仲裁法律适用中的公共政策
Reflection on the Subject Setting of International Economic Law and International Commercial Law 关于国际经济法与国际商法的学科设置的思考
The Enlightening Value of the International Business Contract Rules to the Improvement of China s Contract Law; International Union of Commercial Agents and Brokers 完善我国合同法应借鉴《国际商事合同通则》国际商务代理人和经纪人联合会
On the Amendment of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration as to the Interim Measures of Protection 《国际商事仲裁示范法》对临时性保全措施条款的修订
On the Structure and Feature of UN Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration 联合国《国际商事仲裁示范法》的结构和特征浅评
Alan Redfern, Law and practice of International Commercial Arbitration. 本书偏向于解释国际商务仲裁的一般规则。
The principle of autonomy is the prime principle in the law application of international commercial loans. 意思自治原则是国际商业贷款合同法律适用中的首要原则。
The Law Study of International Commercial Delocalization Arbitration 国际商事仲裁非内国化法律问题研究
Then, the essay discusses major differences in the application of law between international between international commercial arbitration and international civil action from the aspects of legal carrier of applicable law, legal principles to determine applicable law and application of rule of autonomy of the will; 随后从规范准据法的法律载体、确定准据法的法律原则和适用意思自治原则等方面就国际民事诉讼与国际商事仲裁实体法适用的主要区别展开了论述;
In chapter three, it describes that the international commercial law has an independent position in the international law system. The international commercial law is an independent subject, and the courses of the international commercial law should have core course position in the international law course system. 第三部分重点论证了国际商法在国际法学体系中独立的法律部门地位,进而论证国际商法学科是独立的法学学科,国际商法课程在法学课程体系中具有核心课程地位。
Major Differences in the Application of Law between International Commercial Arbitration and International Civil Action 论国际商事仲裁与国际民事诉讼法律适用的主要区别&兼论《合同法》第126条第2款在国际商事仲裁中的适用
With the comparative research way the paper explains the defects of the lawful rescission of contract institution on the basis of the study and analysis on the lawful rescission of contract of the substantial law of International Commercial Contract. 本文通过比较研究的方法,在对各国及国际商事合同实体法中的法定解除制度研究、评析的基础上,认为我国合同法定解除制度存在一些不足。
This article analyses the reality and possibility of application in international commercial transaction according to applicable law of contract, international commercial arbitration and interpretation of international law. 本文从合同准据法、国际商事仲裁、对国际法律的解释等方面评析通则在国际商事交易中作为法律适用的现实性和可能性。
Since 1861 Germany made the famous jurist forest fault liability theory, the theory of rapid spread to civil law countries and regions affected common law and international commercial uniform legislation. 自1861年德国著名法学家耶林提出缔约过失责任理论以来,该理论迅速波及到大陆法系国家和地区,也影响着英美法系和国际商事统一立法。
On the Principle of Autonomy of the Parties in the Applicable Law of International Commercial Loan 论国际商业贷款协议法律适用中的意思自治原则
Beginning with the independence of arbitration clauses, this article mainly analyzes characteristics of the application of law of international commercial arbitration agreements, and whether rules of application of law of main contract can apply to arbitration clauses in the same contract and so on. 本文从仲裁条款的独立性问题出发,对于国际商事仲裁协议法律适用的特性、主合同的法律适用原则能否及于合同中的仲裁条款等问题进行了初步的探讨。
The applicable law of international commercial loan agreement has already caused people's attention day by day in practice. 国际商业贷款协议法律适用问题在实践中已日益引起人们的重视。
The principle of the party ′ s autonomy, the primary principle, has been widely accepted by thc international society in choosing applicable law in international commercial arbitration. 当事人意思自治原则已成为确定国际商事仲裁实体法法律适用的首要原则,依据当事人意思自治原则决定仲裁适用的实体法,已经得到了国际社会的广泛接受。
The application of law of international commercial arbitration agreements is a complicated theoretic and practical issue. 国际商事仲裁协议的法律适用,即以何种法律为标准来认定仲裁协议的成立和效力,是一个极为复杂的理论和实践问题。
It becomes fundamental principle of civil law, even international commercial law. 情势变更原则发源于大陆法系,现在已成为各国及国际民商事法律的基本原则之一。
Nowadays, it includes international commercial treaties, general principles of law. international commercial conventions, international standard contracts, international commercial arbitration and so on. 目前,商人习惯法的渊源主要包括国际商事条约、一般法律原则、国际商事惯例和国际商事习惯、国际标准合同以及国际商事仲裁裁决等。
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration comes to aid by providing a standardized framework of international commercial arbitration and produced a far-reaching effect. 《示范法》为各国提供了有关国际商事仲裁的统一范本,影响深远。
Part One, clear that the characteristics of identifying the foreign law in international commercial arbitration. 第一部分,明确指出国际商事仲裁中外国法查明的特点。
Firstly, I modify the existing arbitration law modeled by "UNCITRAL Model Law on international Commercial Arbitration". Secondly, I introduce the ad hoc arbitration system. Thirdly, I give the Arbitral tribunal more power in the application of laws. 第一,以《国际商事仲裁示范法》为蓝本修订完善我国现行仲裁法;第二,引入临时仲裁制度;第三,赋予仲裁庭在法律适用方面更大的权力。
This theory still dominates the procedure law of international commercial arbitration, and is used broadly by the legislation and legal practice around the world. 这一理论至今仍然是主宰国际商事仲裁程序法的主要理论,在各国立法和司法实践中得到广泛的应用。
Both legislation in some countries and UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration clearly define apply for vacation is the only way for prosecution. 一些国家的立法和《联合国国际贸易法委员会国际商事仲裁示范法》明确规定申请撤销是对仲裁裁决惟一的追诉方式。
The arbitration tribunal should adapt the law that the two parties have selected already, which is also the identification of party autonomy in the adaptation of substantive law in international commercial law. 仲裁庭可首先适用当事人协议选择的法律,这是意思自治原则在国际商事仲裁中实体法律适用的具体体现。
Firstly, the author selected several typical countries ( e.g. Germany, Italy, South Korea, United Kingdom, the United States), and the more influential international "European Contract Law" and "International Commercial Contracts," to conduct a brief introduction of their legislation. 首先笔者选了几个典型国家(如德、意、韩、英、美)及国际上比较有影响力的《欧洲合同法》及《国际商事合同通则》,对其立法情况进行简单介绍。
Begin with origin of the legal application, as well as the concept, scope, status and role of applicable law of international commercial arbitration. 先说明法律适用问题源于何处,以及国际商事仲裁法律适用的概念,使用的范围,地位及作用。